ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by TermsFeed Generator Table ST 31, functionalism, Michael Thonet (1796 - 1871), Robert Slezák, Bystřice pod Hostýnem
  1. Living room
  2. Tables
  3. Table ST 31

Table ST 31 (#697)

Michael Thonet (1796 - 1871)

professionally restored original, original wood and veneer repaired, surface in shellac polish, original chrome tubular construction professionally polished

Dating: 1930
Origin: Czechoslovakia
Stylistic period: funkcionalismus
Style: Bauhaus
Producer: Robert Slezák, Bystřice pod Hostýnem
Material: chrome-plated tubular construction, joint lath, walnut veneer

38 700 CZK
43 000 CZK

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