ePrivacy and GPDR Cookie Consent by TermsFeed Generator Desk PS 14, functionalism, Marcel Breuer (1902–1981), Robert Slezák, Bystřice pod Hostýnem
  1. Office
  2. Writing desks
  3. Desk PS 14

Desk PS 14 (#93)

Marcel Breuer (1902–1981)

professionally restored original, original wood repaired, varnished to a high gloss to the original shade, original chrome tubular construction polished

Under the Thonet license, the Slezák company produced according to the original design of Marcel Breuer

Dating: 1940
Origin: Czechoslovakia
Stylistic period: funkcionalismus
Style: Bauhaus
Producer: Robert Slezák, Bystřice pod Hostýnem
Dimensions: 76x132x76
Material: tubular, chrome-plated steel, lath plywood, drawer body made of solid spruce,

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